S.U.R.F. Presentations

 Our students are stepping up to help make O‘ahu more resilient to climate change impacts and future disaster scenarios through resilience research which spans across multiple disciplines from environmental engineering, to ethnobotany, from ecology, to community-based participatory approaches and more! CERENE supports undergraduate student research in both the social sciences and biophysical sciences and our students can be found at Kapiʻolani Community College as well as the University of Hawaii at Mānoa.  

S.U.R.F Recording from Spring 2023

Featured Posters from the Kapiʻolani Community College

Student Undergraduate Research Fair (S.U.R.F.)

The following slideshow are presentations from our 2021 RCL Cohorts at the KCC Student Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF) (Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 to Thursday, Dec 9, 2021):

Meeya Odell – Resilience Through Ecosystem Connectivity: The Role of Manu-o-Kū Poop

Meeya Oʻdell
Title: Resilience Through Ecosystem Connectivity: The Role of Manu o Ku Poop
RCL Tristan David – Famine Foods for a Resilient Hawai’i

Tristan David
Title: Famine Foods for a Resilient Hawaii
RCL Jenny Brown – Using Circuits to Promote Water Sustainability and ‘Āina-Based Learning

Jenny Brown
Title: Using circuits to promote water sustainability and aina based learning
RCL Iwalani Clayton & Dr. Miku Lenentine – Resilience Across O’ahu: Pre-programmatic Analysis of the Resilience Corps Leadership (RCL) Award Program
RCL Narfe von Semkov and RCL Sean Priester – Action 15 Community Pre-Engagement: Community Resilience Hubs Guide Prototype Development

Support our outstanding team of student leaders in their brilliance and resilience service!

The Resilience Corps Leadership Award Program is made possible through funding from our generous donors Hawaiian Electric and State Farm.

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