Service Saturdays

One of the most important aspects of doing community-based work is giving back to the communities whom we serve and supporting the neighborhoods we live in. It’s just called being a good neighbor!

Throughout all the projects we do, we strive to give back and support communities in as many ways as we can. A big part of this is achieved through our Resilience Corps Leadership program, and the Kapi’olani Service and Sustainability Learning Program.

We are also proud to announce a new program we kicked off in August called Service Saturdays!

Our goal is to bring the resilient spirit, music, aloha and laughter to different senior centers across the island.

Once a month our Resilience Corp Leaders, alumni, friends, and family members visit a different community center across the island for a day of service dedicated especially to our kupuna and seniors. This service work often looks like playing music, gardening, doing chores, or whatever is in need. Want us to come to you for a day of music and service at your center?

Write us at

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