Goal of the Action 15 Hub Workshops
The goal of the workshops are to get local-level feedback on the possible resilience HUBs that have been identified through the islandwide survey and the site suitability analysis. Participants will be seated at tables based on their local area and will have a chance to rank and discuss sites based on a number of criteria and also provide their suggestions and recommendations for how to harden the site for various needs.
Each table will have a mix of neighborhood residents, subject matter experts, non-profit organization leaders, first responders and agency participants to provide a deep discussion drawing from the various expertise and local knowledge about each site.
This information will be shared with the City and County of Honolulu Office of Sustainability, Climate Change and Resilience and become part of their Multi-use Hazard Mitigation Strategy for the island.
Workshop findings are also the first step in fulfilling the Ola Resilience Strategies‘ recommendation for “Action 15” which is the development of a network of resilience Hubs across O’ahu.
This research has been approved by the University of Hawaii, IRB#2022-00652. Study information can be found here: http://go.hawaii.edu/28C
Action 15 Community Resilience Hub Research
Action 15 Community Resilience Research is a continuation of the Ola Resilience Strategy for O’ahu created in 2019: https://resilientoahu.org/resilience-strategy. (It is action 15, of 44 actions identified to help create a more resilient O’ahu). Action 15 research is focused on the siting and design of a possible Community Resilience Hub in your local neighborhood.
Community Resilience Hubs are community-led initiatives and often are based on existing organizations that provide support to their local community. Across the country, as the need has grown, the Community Resilience “model” has spread as a new way to organize and prepare for natural disasters. These Hubs, though often run by an existing non-profit, often operate in collaboration with local government and serve the immediate and surrounding neighborhoods. They operate during “blue skies” and “grey skies” and offer a suite of essential services to the community. Our goal with CERENE is to support the growing network of Community Resilience Hubs (CRH) on O’ahu and help facilitate conversations regarding specific design needs associated with new CRHs here.
For questions regarding Community Resilience Hub Research and resilience happenings in your neighborhood please contact us at cerene15@hawaii.edu. We are excited to embark on this co-learning journey with you and provide our support! Please keep in touch and let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you.
Read more about the Action 15 Project HERE.