Jenny Brown (Resilience Corps Leader)

Jenny Brown

Hi, my name is Jenny Brown. I am a CERENE Resilience Corps Leader. I live within O’ahu’s Neighborhood Board # 5, Kapahulu/Diamond Head. I am interested in sustainable engineering and collaborating with others. I am especially passionate about working with others and maintaining a growth mindset. My mission statement is to improve the quality of life of others through advocacy and by maintaining a growth mindset. The application of engineering and its impact on our quality of life encouraged me to go into engineering. As part of my work with the Resilience Corps Leaders (RCLs), I will be in the position of more of a mentor (please feel free to reach out to me!) within this cohort and as the liaison for the Kapi’olani Community College Ecology Club.

Continuums of Service Conference (COS) 2023

March 14 – 17, 2023

RCL Jenny Brown – Using Circuits to Promote Water Sustainability and ‘Āina-Based Learning Communities –
CERENE Resilience Corps Leadership (RCL) Award Program

Title: Using circuits to promote water sustainability and ʻāina-based learning

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