[UPDATE – May 2024] We are regrouping as we launch our Hub Learning Community and Network of Resilience Hubs Islandwide building from the Action 15 Project Kickoff!
Check back often for more updates or sign-up here to be invited to your local neighborhood planning meeting or event: Sign up here.
Mōʻiliʻili Community and Climate Resilience Hub Workshop
ʻĀina-Based Resilience”HUB” Talk Story and Mālama ʻĀina Day
Kaiāulu Webinar Series
Second Annual Hawai’i State Hubs Virtual Forum 2023
This event will be hosted virtually via zoom and will feature a guest speaker from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the FEMA Region IX Federal Disaster Recovery Officer. We will also have a talk-story opportunity highlighting work taking place across each of the neighbor islands, as well as open networking, Q&A and presentations from student leaders during the last hour. Please share broadly with partners and leaders in community resilience! All welcome to join. RSVP below for zoom link or access QR code.
10 am to 1pm on July19, 2023.
RSVP for Zoom Link: https://go.hawaii.edu/xhl
Wai’anae Regional Resilience Hub Workshop
Wai’anae Regional Community Resilience HUB Workshop
May 24th, Wednesday
5:30pm to 8:00pm
Register to attend via the following link: http://go.hawaii.edu/kp2
Community Partner: Aunty Nalani Benioni & Alicia Higa, Wai’anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center & ‘Elepaio Social Services
Central O’ahu Regional Resilience Hub Workshop
When: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: ZOOM
Register to attend via the following link: http://go.hawaii.edu/Vp2
‘Ewa Regional Resilience Hub Workshop
When: Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: ZOOM
Register to attend via the following link: http://go.hawaii.edu/2p2
O’ahu Zoom Resilience Hub Open House!
When: Monday, April 24, 2023
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: ZOOM
Register to attend via the following link: http://go.hawaii.edu/Jp2