
Action 15: Resilience Hub Network Report

The Action 15 Resilience Hub Network Kickoff Report published by the City and County of Honolulu Office of Climate Change Sustainability and Resiliency (CCSR). Prepared by the University of Hawai’i Action 15 Project Team (Center for Resilient Neighborhoods at Kapi’olani Community College and Department of Urban Planning at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa).

Published October 2023

Meet the Action 15 Research Team

Community Resilience Hubs on CCSR Website

Report Publication on CCSR Website

Final Report: Weaving Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems

The (WIWKS) Bibliography is an
iterative list of publications and resources for students, researchers, teaching faculty,
administrative staff, and others in a higher education context seeking to engage in integrating these knowledge systems, particularly to address the Grand Challenges of Climate Change in the STEM fields.

Published Summer 2022

Suggested Citation: 

Wilkie, S.R., Lenentine, M.M. & Hiser, K. (2022). Final Report: Weaving Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems. NSF EPSCoR Grant #2104126. Retrieved from:

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