Meet Our Action 15 Team Members
*Please click on any image below to access individual biographies.

CERENE Program Coordinator
Kapi’olani Community College

Director of the Office for Institutional Effectiveness (OFIE)
Kapi’olani Community College

Associate Professor
Department of Urban Planning
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency, City of Honolulu, Hawaiʻi

Our Graduate Student Research Assistant Team Members
Our student research team is made up of graduate students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Undergraduate Research Assistants at Kapi’olani Community College, University of Hawai’i West Oa’hu and University of Hawai’i at Mānoa working at the CERENE Center along with our Research-focused Resilience Corps Leaders.

Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Urban Planning
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Undergraduate Research Assistants

In addition to our Action 15 Research Team, our work is also supported by a number of talented students and staff! You can find photos and bios for the entire CERENE Team here:
Action 15 Alumni
We are so blessed to have had so many hands helping at this community-based research center. We would like to take this time to personally thank them for all their hard work and participation in our program. Their selfless contributions, skills, and enthusiasm have made this program a success. We greatly appreciate the time and effort they invested in sharing their knowledge (naʻauao) and expertise (mākau) with the community and other organizations. Mahalo nui loa to all of our alumni who have contributed and made such a positive impact on our community.
ʻAʻohe hana nui ke alu ʻia. “No task is too big when done together by all” (Olelo Noeau #142, Pukui)